Friday, February 14, 2014

Getting it done!

Back in January, I gave myself a challenge - I wouldn't cut my hair until I lost 17.5 total pounds. I've had a few really good weeks and I've currently lost a total of 9.5 lbs! I could have lost more, though. I've had a few bad days of being snowed in the house and a few days of being sick in the past month. But, it's time now to get back on track!

With the Fatbet challenge, I'm 33.3% of the way to my goal of losing 28 lbs in 13 weeks (that's 2.1 lbs/week for those of you interested in my muscle loss...) and I'm a little behind on my goal. So, for the next 52 days (or 7.43 weeks) I have to lose another 18 lbs (2.42 lbs/week). That's going to take some focused effort and mostly in tracking my food.

I'm back in to the swing of things with my workouts and I'm getting in some really strong efforts! Spin class has been kicking my butt! Now I need for the sun to start shining so I can get OFF the dreadmill and get out into the beautiful outdoors for some runs.

...if only...

What challenge have you set for yourself recently that you are trying to still reach or that you have successfully been able to accomplish?

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