Thursday, January 31, 2013

It's a Rev3 Thang!

For the second year in a row, I applied for Team Rev3. After racing my full iron-distance triathlon with Rev3 in Ohio last year I knew I wanted to go for it again with hopes this year would be my year. And, guess what...THEY PICKED ME! THEY PICKED ME!!! I'm totally excited about the opportunity I have to race and train with the amazing Team Rev3 this year. It's an experience I can't WAIT to get started.

Unfortunately, the weekend we had our Team Summit in Boulder, CO (a place I've always wanted to go and where one of my best friends recently moved...) I was stuck in a small room on the back side of the Opryland Hotel listening to lecture upon lecture upon lecture while my teammates were out in CO skiing, meeting with our awesome sponsors, doing some kind of "don't break the egg" challenge and all other sorts of fun stuff! Okay, I make it sound a little bad but the reality is I was in Nashville reaching a goal of mine - to become certified as a USA Triathlon Coach! One of the best parts of the weekend was getting to know ONE of my Rev3 Teammates who was also with me in Nashville - Laura W!

Here we were during a 15-minute break (10 of which it took us to get to this beautiful location in the hotel!)

While we were in Nashville, we decided to go "Honky Tonkin" so we could get the "feel" for the city (of course, I used to live there so I already knew what the "feel" was like...which is why I left 15 years ago and this was my first time back!). But, Laura and I (and her sweet husband) had a blast! The place below was actually called "Honky Tonk Central" but look at the great view (from the 3rd floor) that it had of Broadway (pic on the right).

And, of course, we HAD to visit Jimmy Buffet's Margaritaville!

Anyway, I am so thrilled to call Rev3 my team! This team is already knocking my socks off with their sense of community, concern for others, craziness, and athleticism. It's going to be a VERY fun year and I can't wait to meet more of them!

I've already started registering for some of the Rev3 races this year and I hope to see many of you out there with me. I know many of my local Team Z'ers are going to be heading down to Williamsburg (I mean, who WOULDN'T, right? It's going to be an awesome race!) but, please join me for some other Rev3 races: 

May 5: Knoxville
June 1: Quassy
June 23: Williamsburg
Oct 6: Half Full (Columbia, MD)
Oct 13: Anderson, SC

It's looking to be a GREAT season!


Chloe said...

It was so hard reading everyone's awesome posts - because I could not go either! But it look like a blast! Congrats on your certification - and I'm looking forward to meeting you at Knox!

Tim said...

sorry you couldn't make the trip to Boulder with us. I look forward to meeting you in Knoxville soon!

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Maggie said...

Yay! Glad you've joined this crazy team! Wish you could have been there but we'll be sure to make up for it in Knox - can't wait!

Joel said...

I am with Chloe...I hated seeing all the posts and tweets from the summit. Sort of makes you feel like a kid who missed the huge party that everyone else went to. So glad you are on the team!

Birdie said...

Glad to have you on the team!! Looking forward to getting to hang out some and I'll definitely see you in Knox!!